Polar Peonies, LLC

Quality you've come to expect . . .

Farm Fresh Peonies for your Summer Needs

What does a peony farmer do in the off season? 
Keep farming . . .
Polar Poultry - all Locally hatched 

Besides flowers for beauty, Carolyn keeps a barnyard full of birds year round. Chickens, ducks, turkeys and geese provide eggs, meat and babies. All parents on site, locally hatched in Fairbanks.

Brown chicken eggs as well as rich duck eggs can be purchased locally at the Roaming Root Cellar in Fairbanks all year.

As fast as they hatch, chicks, ducklings and turkey poults are available starting in April until gone (June-ish).

Current Hatched Available - typically 4 days old to 1 month old:

Purebred dual purpose Buff Orpington chicks - $5 each
Pekin, Cayuga, & Penguins (Pekin/Cayuga cross) ducklings - $10 each 

Heritage Bourbon Red Turkeys - $15 each - pending hatch - taking names
American Buff Geese - $25 each - pending hatch - taking names

Ask about our 4-H and kid specials

Call or text Carolyn at 907-590-1700 for local pickup only